How do you stand out in a job application round?

Are you ready for the Next step in your career? Read in this article how to stand out during an application round. Especially before you go into an application round, it is important to know who you are and what your strengths are. Because probably dozens of others are also heading to the same application round to get that coveted job there. Make sure you think about how exactly you stand out in the selection and get through to the next round, or better yet how you do the job interview successfully.

Why is it so important to stand out?

Recruiters receive many letters of application every day and get many people at the table during application rounds. In almost all cases, this results in a rough pre-selection, in which many profiles are immediately dropped in order to thin out the group and keep it manageable. Even if you have the right competences and the desired experience, you may be rejected immediately. This is mainly due to the fact that you do not stand out enough and fail to attract the interest of the people making the decisions in the application round.


This does not mean that you should go straight to the job interview in bright green trousers and a cowboy hat. It does mean that you can be a little quirkier with your cover letter and a little more direct when stating why you are the right person for the job.


Most important do's and don'ts
during an application round

The most important thing during the application round is to emphasise what makes you unique. After all, recruiters get to hear the standard stories every day with which people want to sell themselves and usually talk to the recruiter’s mouth in order to stand a better chance of getting the job. This is not how it works. You are unique with your work experience (your career), the experiences you have gained and your strengths and areas of improvement.

With this, you can still get lost in a general story. Therefore, focus on your personal brand and your motives. Look for information about the company on its website or social media, as the image of companies is very important these days.

Key do’s:
  1. Emphasise what sets you apart
  2. Adapt your letter, motivation and story to the position or company
  3. Be honest
  4. Prepare questions to ask the recruiter
  5. Think about how much you want to earn

Key don’ts:
  1. Be late for your interview
  2. Exaggerating or being dishonest about your ability and attributes
  3. Going to a job interview unprepared
  4. Having money as the sole motivation for a particular job
  5. Interfering with your interviewer through your enthusiasm

Not sure what your strengths and weaknesses are or find it difficult to define who you are and why you are suitable for a job? Then get in touch with us. Besides career coaching, guidance and help with your development, we also offer the DISC analysis, which can play a big role in a successful job application round.

3 tips to significantly increase your chances of success

To help you prepare even better, here are three powerful tips to really make a difference:


  1. Discover what you are good at (with our DISC analysis, for example)
  2. It is not a matter of life and death where you have to sell yourself. Think of it as an open conversation where you can also ask questions and should be at ease.
  3. Dare to be unique. There is no one like you and that is something to make use of for your Next Step.